Corporate Golfer
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I am so thankful for Harry Wiggett ...
Harry Wiggett's Collected Poems
There were a bunch of golf jokes in today's paper, which I read on a British Airways flight to Cape Town. Most of them were lame, this was the best of the bunch:
A golfer was hitting a ball from the first hole in front of the club house. The ball was sitting about two feet in front of the tee markers. The golfer approached the ball with his wood, set up silently and was ready to swing when over the loudspeaker, the pro from the clubhouse said: "Would the gentleman on the tee please tee his ball from behind the tee markers for his first shot." The voice broke the man's concentration and he backed off from the ball, came up to the ball again and set up. The voice over the loudspeaker repeated: "Would the gentleman on the tee please tee his ball from behind the tee markers for his first shot." The golfer back away, strolled up to the starter and said: "Would you please let the gentleman in the clubhouse known that the gentleman on the first tee is hitting his second shot".